Project Mañana - 

Your Change Can Create REAL Change

We’ve partnered with Project Mañana International to bring holistic care (medical, dental, and mental-health services) to highly-impoverished children (and their families) in the Dominican Republic.

The Problem

Access to favorable and quality medical care in the Dominican Republic is VERY limited. Many people are forced to suffer with aliments that could be cured if they had enough money to see a medical professional.

The Solution (We Need Your Help!)

Project Mañana has created the Medical Benevolence Fund that provides grants to highly-impoverished children (and their families) who need critical medical/dental care. Please partner with Project Mañana by making a tax-deductible* gift to the Medical Benevolence Fund today!

3 Easy Ways To Donate Today

1) Scan the QR Code below

2) Go to ProjectManana.org/MedicalFund

3) Give your cash or check donation to the receptionist

*Consult your tax advisor. Tax ID: 27-3512516

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